Posts by Jennifer Lutz
How I frame a Stitched Painting
Slow down to the speed of life
When I gave myself permission to take a break this fall, I had no idea how much I needed that break. And having taken a bit of a breather, it’s clear that I need to slow down to the speed of life. It’s not that the past couple of months have been quiet. Far…
Read MoreBeaded Embroidery Update
For the past few weeks, I’ve been adding beads to my current Paint+Stitch+Bead project. This project has turned into a bit of a stitch sampler and a test for my beaded embroidery stitches. Here’s the current update along with links to some of my previous posts. Beads fit nicely into Palestrina Knots, so long…
Read MoreA Bit of Play with Kaleido-Designs
There’s nothing like teaching to set a person’s mind to learning something properly. With my classes at the All Things Silhouette conference coming up, I’ve been doing a lot of playing with a concept I call Kaleido-Designs. I’m having tons of fun with this. When I designed the Kaleidoscope Rubbing Plates, I did the doodles…
Read MoreLessons from a 20-Year Hike
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Jack and I have visited our friends at their ranch for 20 years. With each visit, I logged a lot of hours – and miles – in my hiking boots enjoying the sights and sounds of the ranch. I capped off our visit this year with a long “20-year hike” to one of my…
Read MoreBeaded Palestrina Knots
The more I play with PSB, the more I like it. (And in case I threw you for a loop, PSB is right here in the Shelly Dictionary. It stands for Paint, Stitch & Bead.) Today, I want to show you a little experiment adding beads to one of my favorite stitches. I call it…
Read MorePaintstik Overlay Update
You may remember that I’ve been working on a way to rescue a project with a Very Busy Background. I experimented with a computer-simulated overlay, then took the plunge and applied a Paintstik overlay to one section of the piece. Today, I’m happy to report that the Sheer Paintstik Overlay really works! In case…
Read MoreStudio Essentials: Finding the Sweet Spot
After three months in Chapala with (very) limited supplies, I found my home studio more than a bit overwhelming. With several decades worth of art supplies on hand, it’s a miracle I get anything done! It’s time to remove the distractions and get down to a smaller set of Studio Essentials. Rather than just “thinking”…
Read MorePekinese Stem Stitch
When I add hand stitching to my painted fabric, I want the stitching to stand out. Today, I want to show you my latest stitch combination experiment. I call it Pekinese Stem Stitch. [Tweet “Bored with Stem Stitch? Dress it up with a Pekinese-style wrap!”] In traditional embroidery, Pekinese Stitch begins with a Back…
Read MoreTalavera Flourish Experiment
Over the past few weeks, I started digging into the treasure trove of Talavera designs on the dishes in my kitchen. The sheer volume of possibilities was a bit daunting, so I picked a single design motif for a Talavera Flourish experiment. [Tweet “A single motif is a great place to begin a design experiment.”]…
Read MorePalapa Fiber Art
There is a wonderful palapa in the gardens here at the QQ. As you can imagine, it’s most popular during the hot season when shade is a welcome sight. The old roof had seen it’s better days, so it was time for a replacement – and that’s how I got a lesson in Palapa Fiber…
Read MoreTalavara’s House: A Fountain of Inspiration
When you need a dose of inspiration, a visit to a museum, gallery, or shop can be just what you need. One day last week, I set off to Talavara’s House in search of door knobs. There were no door knobs to be found, but I had a wonderful time soaking up the colors, designs…
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